The Benefits Buying Group
The Sectoral Benefits Buying Group is a BCPSEA initiative with the objective of optimizing benefit (dental, extended health, life insurance, and accidental death and dismemberment) costs by combining the purchasing power of school districts and local accountability for benefits usage.
School districts voluntarily participate in the Buying Group benefits program, which was established in 1997 for all B.C. school districts to consolidate their purchasing power as a single entity to obtain effective, lowest cost group insurance and related administrative services. Each participating school district establishes and/or negotiates benefit levels with their employee groups.
Individual school districts offer a comprehensive benefits program as part of the Buying Group program to eligible employees, which is a major part of total compensation. The program typically includes extended health, dental, life insurance, and if applicable at your district, accidental death & dismemberment insurance and/or disability insurance to help maintain your family’s health and financial security. You may also be eligible for some benefits under the BC Principals and Vice-Principals’ Association (BCPVPA) benefits program or the BC Teachers Federation (BCTF) benefits program. The information for these benefits are not on this website.
Depending on your district’s benefits program, you may also be eligible to choose to increase your protection by purchasing optional life insurance and/or accident insurance for yourself and/or your spouse and dependent children.
This website is your primary source for information about the BCPSEA Buying Group benefits program. Use the navigation bar on the top of your screen to go to an overview of your benefits program, see detailed information about the coverage available to you, and access all the forms you need to make health and dental claims that are applicable to this program.
If you have questions about your benefits program, contact the Benefits Administrator at your School District.
The BCPSEA is a full service employers’ association and is the accredited bargaining agent for the province’s 60 public boards of education, for unionized teaching and support staff in the British Columbia K-12 public education system.