Medical Services Plan (MSP)

Mailing Address:

PO Box 9035 Stn Prov Govt,

Victoria, B.C.

V8W 9E3

For automated phones services please contact:

Victoria:  250-382-8406

Vancouver:  604-683-7151

Toll Free:  1-800-663-7100

Alberta Health Insurance Plan

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1360, Station Main

Edmonton, Alberta

T5J 2N3

For phones services from within Alberta:

Toll Free:  310-0000

then dial 780 427-716

For phone services from outside Alberta:

Pacific Blue Cross

Mailing Address:

PO Box 7000

Vancouver, BC

V6B 4E1

Telephone:  604-419-2000

Toll free:  1-877-PAC-BLUE (722-2583)

Waiver of Premium and Disability Claims

If you have a question regarding your life waiver of premium or disability claim with Pacific Blue Cross, please contact 604-419-2000 or toll free 1-877-222-2583.

Submit a life waiver of premium or disability claim to or you can mail your application to:

Pacific Blue Cross

PO Box 7000

Vancouver BC V6B 4E1

Life Claims

If you have questions regarding a basic life or optional life claim, please call 604-419-2000 or toll free 1-877-222-2583

Submit basic and optional life claims to the following address:

Pacific Blue Cross

Life & Disability Claims

PO Box 7000

Vancouver BC V6B 4E1

AIG Insurance Company of Canada

Mailing Address:

For Premium Payments

AIG Insurance Company of Canada,

P.O. Box 15286, Station A

Toronto, Ontario M5W 1C1

For Claims and Other Inquiries

AIG Insurance Company of Canada,

120 Bremner Boulevard, Suite 2200,

Toronto, Ontario M5J 0A8

Claims contact :

Conversion contact :

For questions regarding individual AD&D insurance plan available upon conversion, please contact AIG Insurance Company of Canada directly.

British Columbia Public School Employers’ Association


Mailing Address:

300 – 2889 East 12 Avenue

Vancouver BC

V5M 4T5

Contact BCPSEA Staff:

District Benefits Administrator

Contact your benefits administrator if you have questions about enroling in the BCPSEA Benefits Program, coverage changes, changing your beneficiary, and what you need to do upon retirement and termination.