If you terminate employment with the School District it is important that you obtain information regarding the conversion privileges for the BCPSEA benefits.

  • You may refer to the Details section for each benefit located in “My Plan” for information regarding the conversion privileges for BCPSEA benefits.
  • You are eligible for the Conversion Privilege if the completed applications for individual insurance and the first premium are received within 31 days after the group insurance terminates or reduces.
  • The Benefits Administrator will provide you with a Notification of Conversion form and the Group Life Conversion Privilege Notification Form that will tell you what benefits you are eligible to convert and contact information for each of the insurers if you are interested in conversion to an individual plan for a specific benefit.
  • If you had Life and/or Optional Life through the BCPSEA plan and you contact Great-West Life, they will provide you with a package of information on applying for the Conversion Privilege for these benefits for yourself and/or your spouse including options available and the associated costs of coverage. The package will be mailed to your home address. Application is completely optional.
  • If you had Basic and/or Optional AD&D through the BCPSEA and you contact AIG, they will provide you with a package of information on applying for the Conversion Privilege for these benefits. The package will be mailed to your home address. Application is completely optional.
  • If you had Extended Health and/or Dental and you are interested in applying for the Conversion Privilege for these benefits, you may access the following conversion form: Extended Health/Dental Conversion form